Component-based Software Engineering

by Donald Reifer


This workshop provides participants with practical guidance for putting emerging component-based software engineering concepts to work within their firms.
Emphasis is placed upon exploiting operational concepts that have been used successfully within early adopter organizations to reduce risk and maximize benefits as they move on the road to software process improvement.
In addition to introducing participants to the technology and process implications, the seminar will provide insight into the topics of business planning and change management.
The seminar uses a variety of examples, case studies, exercises and workshops to reinforce its concepts and develop needed skills, knowledge and abilities.

Main Topics

Day 1 - Fundamentals of component-based technology

  • Introduction
  • Component-based software engineering fundamentals
  • Implementing a paradigm shift
  • Management approaches
  • Getting management commitment for components

Day 2 - Putting components to work

  • Operational concepts
  • Workshop 3 - Fitting the concepts
  • Selling the change
  • Workshop 4 - Getting commitment
  • Making the transition
  • Keeping out of trouble
  • Finale - Putting it all together