Our Speakers
We have always been looking for the best know-how in the International market: our motto has always been "go to the source".
Our Gurus:
- Edgar Codd, the person who invented the relational model
- Peter Chen, the person who invented the Entity-Relationship Model
- James Martin, considered the IT 'guru'
- Moshe Zloof, the person who invented the QBE (Query-by-Example)
- Bill Inmon, 'father' of Data Warehouse
- Ed Yourdon, considered one of the 10 most influential persons in the software area
- Ralph Kimball, one of the most renowned world experts of Data Warehouse
- Ivar Jacobson, one of the three 'amigos' who invented UML
- Capers Jones, one of the leading world experts of software metrics
- Larry Costantine, the 'father' of the structured design
- Thomas Mc Cabe, the 'father' of the software complexity
- Chris Date, the most renowed world expert in database
- Tom De Marco, one of the most renowned world experts of Project Management
- Martin Fowler, author of 'UML Distilled'