Business Process Modeling, Analysis and Design

by Roger Burlton
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This seminar delivers the foundational skills and techniques required to analyze and improve existing processes. It focuses on identifying opportunities for process change and presents the analysis, modeling and design techniques and tools required to improve performance. Participants will learn to scope specific processes using graphical models to document results. And, they will learn how to define measurement techniques for evaluating outcomes. They will also learn how to model As-Is and To-Be process workflows using industry standard notations. The class is organized around a case study that will be developed by attendees working in teams along with the instructor. The approach is practical and business oriented and attendees will be able to immediately apply what they learn within their own organization. It naturally follows on from the lessons in the preceding class "Business Process Management" to provide a complete methodology.
What you will learn
- Discover how to appropriately analyze and scope a business process problem
- Create Scoping Charts and core-BPMN process flow diagrams
- Be able to select and apply the proper tools and techniques to model, analyze, manage, measure and improve processes
- Apply creative thinking approaches and design techniques to process improvement
- Develop critical measures for evaluating Business Process Performance
- Learn how to develop and apply testing, and validating methods to new process designs
Main Topics
- Stakeholders & Vision
- Instructor-led Group Workshop: Develop the Process Vision and Objectives
- Instructor-led Group Workshop: Develop the Process project Scope Diagram
- Gap Model & Business Case
- Modeling the Process
- Instructor-led Group Workshop: Model the Existing Process
- Analyzing the Process
- Instructor-led Group Workshop: Analyze the Existing Process
- Redesign the Process
- Instructor-led Group Workshop: Redesign the Existing Process
- Implementation & Roll-Out