Bill Curtis

Mr. Curtis is one of the nation's most recognized authorities on software development and human factors in computer systems. He is the cofounder and chief scientist of TeraQuest Metrics, a firm that provides management consulting and training-in-process improvement for companies that build or acquire software-intensive systems. As director of the Process Program at the Software Engineering Institute (SEI), he led the team that published the Capability Maturity Model for Software (Software CMM). Before joining SEI, Dr. Curtis directed research in the Software Technology Program and the Human Interface Laboratory at MCC. At ITT's Programming Technology Center, he built a corporation-wide software measurement system and evaluated software engineering practices at GE's Space Division. Dr. Curtis is the principal architect of the People CMM, which extends the scope of the Software CMM to cover processes related to hiring, developing, training, motivating, and keeping good software personnel.
Dr. Curtis has published more than 100 papers in the areas of software engineering and management. He is on the editorial boards of seven journals in the areas of software engineering and user interface technology and is a frequent keynote speaker at software conferences.