Open Source Business Intelligence

by Jos van Dongen
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Every day a growing number of organizations are attracted by the promise of Open Source software: low cost full featured solutions that will help drive down the total cost of ownership of an IT infrastructure. Software like Linux, OpenOffice, MySQL and Firefox are considered mainstream solutions nowadays and are being widely adopted. But how about solutions for Business Intelligence: are BI Suites like Pentaho or Jaspersoft already mature enough to compete with the established proprietary vendors? Can MySQL be used as an analytical or a Data Warehouse database and if not, which alternatives are available? This two day seminar not only gives you a complete overview of the Open Source BI market, but also shows how mature the various parts of the BI stack are and how they can best be applied in a new or existing BI infrastructure. What makes this seminar really unique is the large amount of live demo's and Case Studies to help you getting started right away.
What you will learn
- A comprehensive overview of what Open Source BI is and whether it is a feasible alternative for your own BI challenges
- How to select the right tools to build, expand or replace a BI stack
- How the leading Open Source BI suites compare to the leading closed source alternatives like Business Objects, Cognos, Microsoft and Oracle
- Where and how to start implementing OS BI solutions
Main Topics
- Open Source Primer
- Open Source BI Overview
- Data Warehousing
- BI Suites in depth
- Enterprise Performance Management and Analytics
- Implementing Open Source BI