Compliance and Audit:
Managerial and Legal Issues of Handling Security

by Dario Forte, Eoghan Casey, Luca De Grazia
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It is fundamentally important for an organization to prepare for severe security breaches of their computer networks. Understanding the implications of, and appropriate responses to, such breaches are necessary to reduce the harm to employees, clients and customers whose data may be at risk and to ensure that the same perpetrator does not strike again. In addition, financial institutions and telecommunications companies are required to preserve certain data for regulatory purposes.
In this seminar you will learn about managerial and legal aspects of preparing for, and dealing effectively with, network security breaches. The instructors have extensive experience conducting the digital investigations and have worked with many organizations to enhance their incident response and digital forensics capabilities.
This seminar is suitable for compliance officers and auditors in your organization, as well as managerial and technical personnel who are responsible for handling critical incidents. Legal issues impacting organizations in Italy and throughout Europe are presented and discussed in the context of case studies. For maximum benefit, it is recommended that organizations have representatives from internal audit, legal, and IT also attend the technical Network Investigation and Incident Handling hands-on workshop to help them work together on security incidents, teaching each group what is needed by the other.
Main Topics
- Forensic readiness in a large organization
- The role of audit and compliance in forensic preparedness
- Managing a complex network investigation
- Incident response life cycle and investigative methodology
- Conducting an internal investigation without breaking the law
- Overview of relevant Italian legislation and EU directives
- Involving law enforcement to apprehend offenders
- The importance of having a data map