Advanced Topics in IT Management

by Ken Rau
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This seminar investigates advanced approaches being used or considered by leading-edge IT organizations in search of excellence. Four such practices are presented in half-day sessions over the course of the two-day seminar. They are:
The establishment of an IT Marketing function: If IT is a Business within the Business as many have claimed, where is the marketing function in IT? The processes of selling, pricing, customer care, promotions and PR are seldom found on the IT organization chart, but offer tremendous potential to improve the performance and image of IT in the organization. The module explores the advantages of recognizing a Marketing function in IT, and how it can be implemented in organizations of varying size and mission.
The role of IT in Mergers and Acquisitions: Mergers and Acquisitions are frequent occurrences in both the public and private sectors. When IT's parent organization decides to acquire, combine, consolidate or merge, the announcement can be a surprise and challenge to IT. Yet other IT departments have prepared and are ready, still others accept acquisitions as a routine occurrence and have established processes and procedures for absorbing the new organization's IT department. Keys to success are IS's early involvement in due diligence studies and processes. Developing IT strategies and techniques that support the acquisition strategy of the parent are explored in the module.
The use of Activity-Based Costing in IT: Activity-based Costing (ABC) has been shown to be a useful cost accounting method when applied to many areas of the organization. Yet to date, little effort has been made to extend the use of ABC as an analytic technique to the IT function. The module explores the benefits of using ABC at the strategic and tactical level in IT. Conventional IT financial analytic techniques are also discussed. Use of ABC as a budgeting and forecasting tool in IT are presented, and an exercise is performed by attendees to ensure understanding.
Techniques for managing IT during periods of rapid organizational growth: The schism in time perspectives between IT and its parent organization that is exacerbated in rapidly growing concerns can create Business risks ranging from misstatement of financial results to limitations of continued growth to insolvency of the firm. Initiatives exist which can alleviate these risks and their cause and extend the life expectancy of the CIO. The module explores techniques that can minimize risks and allow IT to enable, rather than hinder growth of the organization.