Managing the Deadline:
a Project Management Master Class

by Suzanne Robertson
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Managing the Deadline is a Master Class. It assumes that you already understand what a Gantt chart tells you, and you are familiar with the nuts and bolts of Project Management. Managing the Deadline is unique in addressing the powerful issues affecting the success of all projects, including the balance between Business needs, people needs and technology.
Have you ever wondered why some managers succeed? Have you ever wondered why the latest management wonder-tool seems to be making no difference?
The difference lies in becoming a total manager: a manager who knows the right techniques, and knows when and how to apply them. A manager who knows how to estimate, and how to allocate. A manager who knows how to handle the team so that the team members are willing collaborators in project success.
This is what we teach in Managing the Deadline - how to achieve a balance between the apparently opposing factors in Project Management. How to balance risk and deadline, how to estimate size, and then partition into useful pieces. This course gives you the insider's knowledge on how to make your projects the ones that succeed.
This unique learning experience combines the vision, skills and experience of The Atlantic Systems Guild and Antelope Projects.
Participants will receive a copy of Tom DeMarco's book "The Deadline".
What you will learn
This seminar is designed to enable people to:
- Experience the important Project Management issues in a workshop environment
- Relate them to current practice in their own workplace
- Explore and evaluate techniques, templates and methods
- Learn from the experience of master project Managers in many fields
Main Topics
- Balancing the Management Ingredients
- How big is this?
- The Deadline versus The Estimate
- Managing the risks
- Partitioning the work
- Project Dynamics
- Are we on track?
- Peopleware
- A project manager's survival kit