Defining and Implementing SOA:
from Theory to Practice

by Max Dolgicer
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SOA is gaining momentum because it is seen as the key for Enterprises to achieve Business agility, improved quality of service and lowered total cost of ownership.
Over the past two years, most Fortune 1000 companies have started to embrace a SOA approach for initial e-Business projects, as well as for integration of existing systems. Many analysts predict that companies are now ready to take the next step - a more systematic adoption of Service-Oriented practices. However, new technologies like Web Services and the latest generation development tools are not sufficient for successful implementation of an Enterprise SOA.
This seminar conducted will provide you with an in-depth understanding of the concepts of Service Oriented Architectures, and how they can be mapped to XML and Web Service technologies. You will gain insight how SOA can be applied to development and integration initiatives within your company.
Today's predominant platforms for building new Business applications - J2EE and .NET - will be examined in terms of their support for SOA, and the major integration approaches for B2B and EAI will be looked at from a SOA perspective.
What you will learn
- Learn how SOA can facilitate the alignment of IT with your Business
- Define a roadmap for creating a Service-Oriented Architecture for development and integration of your application portfolio
- Identify the challenges and benefits of developing an Enterprise Architecture
- Learn how IT culture has to change to successfully adopt the new style of architecture
- Understand how Web Services can be used to implement a SOA
- Distinguish between hype and reality so that you can put the technology to its optimal use in your organization
- Discover the role of J2EE and .NET in a Service Oriented Architecture
- Learn how Web Services can enable and facilitate integration of applications within your Enterprise and across a B2B Value Chain
Main Topics
- Introduction to Service Oriented Architecture
- The Business Perspective
- The IT Perspective
- The Enterprise Architecture Perspective
- Requirements for A Service Framework
- The role of standards
- SOA Implementation
- Platform Choices For Developing Service-Oriented Applications: J2EE
- Platform Choices For Developing Service-Oriented Applications: .NET
- Implementing SOA with Open Source Software
- How Service-orientation Facilitates Integration
- Best Practices and Real World Case Studies
- Market Trends and Directions - SOA Scenario 2005/2006