Enterprise Content Management and SharePoint

by Alan Pelz-Sharpe
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In this course we will provide a thorough introduction to and grounding in Enterprise Content Management technologies. Explain clearly how they work and why they will become of increasing importance to you and your organization, particularly in this age of financial restrictions. This will be a highly critical and supplier agnostic workshop, championing no particular vendor technology approach, but with critical insight into the strengths and limitations of all the leading systems.
The database may not be the right place to manage documents and email – hence the plethora of ECM tools, including Microsoft SharePoint to manage, search and present on the market. Understanding how to extract maximum value from content and analytical data is essential in modern organizations. Hence we will look at how to manage and exploit maximum value from ‘unstructured data’/’content’ and look at how you can best marry this information with your current ‘structured data’ activities. We will spend time looking at the vendor marketplace and how this is has evolved from its roots in Document Management and workflow to involvement with the Business Intelligence and Data Management world – and explore where potential conflicts may arise. The course will remain strictly vendor neutral and will aim to give real world examples and methods.
Overall this will be a highly practical course, suitable for both technical and more Business oriented attendees alike.
With immense document volumes (many estimate in excess of 80% of corporate data is unstructured) coursing through organizations, traditional Data Management approaches cannot cope. This leaves critical Business knowledge untapped, unmanaged and idle Business effectiveness and competitive advantage.
What you will learn
- A thorough understanding of ECM Technologies
- A foundation in which to structure potential ECM related projects
- A focus on SharePoint as a ECM system, how it works, is structured and its limitations
- Knowledge of key tools for change with ECM
Main Topics
- Establishing the Enterprise View of Content Management
- Designing the Content Architecture for ECM
- Exploring SharePoints role alongside traditional ECM systems
- Identifying the Tools and Technology needed for successful ECM
- Initiating an ECM– Friendly Change Management & Organisational Stakeholder Buy-In