Hacking Wireless Networks

by Gianmario Spacagna


This intense Hacking Wireless Network class measure the IT's professional's knowledge of how to defend a wireless LAN from hackers. Students learn basic and advanced security processes and techniques for keeping the Entreprise wireless network data secure. Technical workshop and hands-on demos reveal how various wireless implementations handle hackin, unauthorized access, and information theft. Demo's include installation of CISCO, Proxim A/B cards, configuring WEP & LEAP security, design of wireless hacking and how to locate unauthorized  wireless access point with AirMagnet before the hacker takes over your network.

What you will learn

  • Understand Wireless Technologies
  • Know what Blutooth Architecture and Security will and wont't do
  • 802.11 (b, a, & g) Architectures and Security obstacles
  • Threats, Hacking and Mitigation Techniques to iplement wireless anything
  • Wireless Security Policies and Wireless Auding Techniques for dummies