Dimensional Modeling in Depth

by Ralph Kimball


Ralph Kimball UniversityExcellence in Dimensional Modeling remains the keystone of a well designed Data Warehouse.

This course gives you that excellence from the industry's leading spokesman for Dimensional Modeling, Ralph Kimball.

What you will learn

In this course you will learn classic Dimensional Modeling from beginning to advanced issues including techniques for designing fact tables, dimension tables, slowly changing dimensions, the three types of fact tables, and how to build distributed Data Warehouses where "there is no center".
Following the tradition of the original "Data Warehouse Toolkit" book, all the techniques in this class will be motivated by specific industry situations.
During the class you will briefly "work" in retail, procurement, inventory, order management, accounting, human resources, Customer Relationship Management, financial services, telecommunications, transportation, education, health care, electronic commerce and insurance.
You will stand back from all these industries and learn how to develop the Data Warehouse "bus architecture" which is the basis for building distributed Data Warehouse systems.
You will learn to discern what is myth and what is real in Dimensional Modeling.

Main Topics

  • Dimensional Modeling Primer
  • Retail Sales
  • Inventory
  • Procurement
  • Order Management
  • Customer Relationship Management
  • Accounting
  • Human Resources Management
  • Financial Services
  • Telecommunications and Utilities
  • Transportation
  • Education
  • Health Care
  • Electronic Commerce
  • Insurance
  • Building the Data Warehouse
  • Present Imperatives and Future Outlook