Advanced Network Penetration Testing Methodology
by Eoghan Casey
In this three-day course the most robust and in-depth of its kind you'll gain a hacker's-eye-view of your Network and technology infrastructure.
You'll uncover the hackers' favorite penetration techniques and how to protect against them. You'll learn how to gather viable data on your Network's vulnerabilities using tools like NMAP, Nessus, SOLARWINDS, SATAN and more.
You'll analyze the results, prioritize the high-value targets and turn it all into a workable action plan in class. You will examine related vulnerabilities in the underlying operating system and connected TCP/IP application services.
What you will learn
You will learn how to use commercial and freely available tools to test Web Server configurations and uncover weaknesses in Web Servers and browsers.
You'll also learn how to build and maintain a target list, perform remote and host assessments.
Main Topics
- Pinpointing high-value targets
- Demo's using tools for detecting vulnerabilities
- Best-practice analysis techniques
- Protecting results confidentiality with PGP
- Reporting test findings for implementation