EAI Middleware

by John Kneiling


Middleware is at the center of intelligent and integrated E-Business IT architectures.
As companies restructure, merge, acquire, and disperse, middleware is called upon to bridge the gap between platforms, application architectures, data formats, and new paradigms such as web services and XML-based applications, within the Enterprise and beyond.
This seminar provides a detailed review of a variety of Middleware technologies and products, and shows how your enterprise can use them to develop and integrate directories, portals, web services, data warehouses, operational and other applications using software from IBM, Microsoft, Software AG, BEA Systems, Borland, and other vendors.
Real-world case studies are used for illustration. The materials are supplemented by relevant articles and references to resources such as web-sites and books.

What you will learn

  • The Role of Middleware in EAI and e-commerce
  • How to integrate applications on the data, application, and web service levels.
  • How to integrate existing middleware systems, and to leverage applications already connected by those systems.
  • How to create an LDAP-based directory infrastructure
  • How to use Middleware to develop and integrate web services, ERP, Legacy, and custom-developed applications.
  • How to choose Middleware products based on scalability, reliability, availability, compatibility, and other factors.
  • How to integrate diverse Middleware products into a full-service enteprise middleware system
  • How vendors such as IBM, Microsoft, Sun, BEA Systems, Software AG, and others provide diverse middleware solutions.

Main Topics

  • Middleware and Enterprise Application Integration (EAI)
  • Integrating Applications and Information with LDAP
  • XML and Web Services
  • Web Application Servers
  • Messaging Middleware
  • Transaction Processing Monitors
  • Distributed Component Middleware
  • Mobile Data Computing Architecture
  • Integrated Packaged Applications
  • EAI Development Environments
  • Middleware Integration Techniques
  • Developing an Integrated Middleware System