EAI (Enterprise Application Integration):
Architectures, Technologies and Best Practices

by Max Dolgicer
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The application portfolios of most corporations are still a patchwork of independent "stovepipe" systems. Gartner Group reports that companies spend about 35% of their development efforts on application integration, which translates to Millions of Dollars even for a medium size Fortune 1000 company.
The approaches to Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) have evolved from handcrafting interfaces to utilizing a variety of Middleware technologies such as Message Brokers, J2EE Application Servers, XML and Web Services. However, these technologies address only partially the challenges that corporate IT is facing.
New e-Business applications cannot operate as standalone entities and always require integration with existing systems, application integration, almost always results in the development of new Business logic. As a result, Enterprises have to face a next challenge: how to efficiently build and integrate applications using a unified approach and a single platform for application development and integration.
EAI projects are different from most projects that organizations have undertaken in the past. They don't introduce change that is isolated to individual application areas or Business areas. Instead, EAI projects force change upon many application and business areas and require a coordinated approach among groups in an enterprise that used to deal with their application and infrastructure needs in a mostly independent way.
EAI and Middleware technology - it's complicated, it's confusing. Sometimes it seems enough of a challenge just to understand its strategic importance, never mind if effectively utilize it.
This seminar moves beyond just the technology discussion - in addition to providing you with the essential knowledge about technology and products, it shares the speaker's experience with setting up processes across an organization that provide lasting value and guarantee the long term success of large scale EAI initiatives.
What you will learn
- Learn what Middleware, EAI and Web Services are.
- Define requirements and goals for building and integrating Enterprise Applications.
- Understand how EAI can be used to seamlessly to integrate Web and back-end applications.
- Determine when to select specific EAI technologies and why.
- Learn how to differentiate the important A2A and B2B integration technologies and products.
- Understand de-facto and emerging standards as well as market trends and directions.
- Learn how to put a large scale EAI initiative on the right track by utilizing proven methodology and well-defined process.
Main Topics
- Introduction - the Need for Enterprise Application Integration
- Adding Development to Integration - Converging to e-Business
- Enterprise Application Integration (E²AI) Platform
- Introduction to the Key Middleware Platforms
- Understanding Middleware Services and Technologies - the Key to a Scalable E²AI Platform
- Preparing Your Enterprise for EAI
- Comparing and Contrasting EAI Platforms - Message Oriented Middleware (MOM) for EAI
- Moving Beyond MOMs - Message Brokers for EAI
- J2EE Application Servers - a Standard Based Alternative for EAI
- Application Integration with XML
- Extending EAI to B2B Integration
- Web Services - a New Paradigm for Integration
- Using a Well-Defined Methodology to Build and Maintain Long Lasting EAI Solutions
- Selecting an Integration Platform
- From Theory to Practice - Selected Case Studies