Machine Learning for the Enterprise
International Conference

by Frank Greco, Sandhya Kapoor, Kin Lane, Laurent Picard, Giuseppe Porcelli, Sally Radwan, Humphrey Sheil, Heather Hedden
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Machine Learning is a powerful new IT tool for the enterprise. It is a subset of the larger field of Artificial Intelligence that allows computing systems to progressively improve performance in a specific task without explicit programming. It has been in existence for over 50 years and is finally now becoming viable thanks to the availability of on-demand computing resources, ie, Cloud Computing. Based on powerful statistical pattern recognition algorithms and large datasets, Machine Learning has many very useful applications.
The Machine Learning for the Enterprise Conference is focused on the promises and challenges of applying Machine Learning in large organizations for business benefit. Large internet companies such as Google, Amazon and Facebook certainly have deployed sophisticated Machine Learning systems for years. However other organizations need to deploy the same Machine Learning techniques throughout their IT systems to benefit their businesses.
This Conference will focus on defining this innovative technology, describe specific real-word use cases of Machine Learning in detail, explain how your staff can gain this expertise, and highlight a view of the Machine Learning offerings now available.
What you will learn
- About Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Deep Learning
- How Cloud Computing Facilitates Machine Learning
- How Convolutions and Convolutional Nets Facilitate Deep Learning
- The Differences between Structured and Unstructured Learning
- About Detailed Use Cases
- How to Leverage Your ML Expertise to create AI-Enabled Products and
- Services
- Where Not to Use Machine Learning
- How to Optimize Application Performance Using Machine Learning
- What Software Tooling is Required to Develop ML Features
- About Lessons Learned in Predictive Healthcare
- Where to Use Machine Learning in High Performance Applications
- What Tools to Use for Training Your IT Staff
- How to Transition Your Team to Use Machine Learning
- What Training Platforms to Use
- Where to use ML for Low-Latency Applications
- What’s Next for Machine and Deep Learning?