Mastering the Requirements Process:
Getting Requirements Right

by Suzanne Robertson
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Software has only one task – to satisfy the real needs of its user or customer. Building such software is relatively straightforward, providing the real needs in all their subtlety and concealment, have been discovered. Discovering the requirements is the task of the requirements process. This workshop presents a thorough and well-established process for uncovering the real requirements, testing them for correctness, and recording them clearly, completely and unambiguously. The process is used (with variations) by both agile and traditional projects. It starts with the business - for it is only within the business that you discover the real needs. When you know the real needs, it is then possible to determine the system that best serves those needs, and to specify the requirements or stories to get the right system built. This workshop shows you how to precisely define the scope of the business problem, to discover and involve the appropriate stakeholders, to use today’s techniques to learn what the business really needs, to innovate and find better ways to do the work, to communicate effectively and to write testable, unambiguous requirements.
IIBA Accreditation
Mastering the Requirements Process is a course endorsed by the IIBA. As such, this course has been approved as being aligned to the Business Analysis Body of Knowledge (BABOK) and hence is recommended training for business analysts who wish to sit the exam to become Certified Business Analysis Professionals (CBAP). By attending this course, you will earn 21 PDs (Professional Development hours) or 21 CDUs (Continuing Development Units). For further information on how to register for the CBAP examination please refer to certification at The IIBA endorsement is registered by the Atlantic Systems Guild.
“Course is delivered by The Atlantic Systems Guild, an IIBA Endorsed Education Provider, and IIBA trademarks are used under license and in accordance with IIBA’s Corporate Identity Standards and Trademark Policy."
The delegates will also receive a copy of the book "Mastering the Requirements Process" by Suzanne and James Robertson (Addison Wesley, 2004).
What you will learn
- Determine the real needs of your client
- Uncover the essence of the business
- Learn diverse elicitation techniques to uncover the real requirements
- Write agile stories that are more effective and accurate
- Understand the role of the business analyst in agile projects
- Write requirements that are complete, traceable, and testable
- Use a story map for more controlled development
- Understand the need for (and how to write) both functional and non-functional requirements
- Precisely define the scope of the project
- Discover all the stakeholders and keep them involved
- Use prototypes and sketches to discover hidden needs
- Get the requirements quickly, and incrementally
- Use state of the art requirements techniques
- Discover the right requirements and stories
Main Topics
- Project Blastoff
- Trawling for Requirements
- Functional Requirements
- Non-functional Requirements
- Requirements for Agile Projects
- Prototyping and Deviations
- Writing Requirements
- The Quality Gateway
- Managing your Requirements
- Your Requirements Process
And more...
- Your instructor is not an “announcer”. He or she is a practicing Business Analyst who is also an excellent instructor
- The course is written to show real-world situations and provide real-world solutions
- You will be able to relate your own work situation to the course
- You can discuss your own requirements issues with your instructor
- The course teaches that requirements come from understanding the business and its internal processes, and how the business interacts with its external customers
- The course provides a realistic framework for requirements discovery, not a strict methodology. The framework provides the freedom and encouragement to discover new approaches to requirements
- The techniques are applicable regardless of your development method – agile or traditional
- Teaching chapters are reinforced with hands-on workshops
- As we progress in the course, we demonstrate the information captured using the Requirements Knowledge Model
- You receive the Volere Requirements Specification Template (downloaded over 20,000 times) with advice on how to make this your own template