Mastering the Requirements Process

by Suzanne Robertson
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People use software, but other people build that software. There's the problem. Solving it means understanding the actual work of the Business users and what they need in order to do it. And then the resulting requirements need to be communicated to system builders, customers and suppliers. Requirements analysts need a process that provides a structure for organizing the requirements. However the requirements process needs to be flexible enough to suit each particular situation. This seminar teaches you that process. Since the first version of the Volere process and template was released, it has been adopted and adapted to improve the requirements of thousands of organizations all over the world.The Volere requirements specification template, links the functional, non-functional and constraint Business requirements to the requirements models and connects them to the design specification. This seminar has indispensable information for Business analysts, requirements engineers, systems mangers, project leaders, consultants, systems analysts and planners.This material applies to all stakeholders: users and customers will benefit from learning how to participate in this multi-disciplinary approach. It is for anybody who has a responsibility to deliver the right products-the ones that get used.The seminar focuses on:
- A process for gathering the correct requirements
- Methods of eliciting requirements from all the stakeholders
- Ways of knowing when your solution precisely matches what the user needs
- The ability to write a complete and unambiguous requirements specification
- Improved relationships between developers, customers and suppliers.
IIBA Accreditation
Mastering the Requirements Process is a course endorsed by the IIBA. As such, this course has been approved as being aligned to the Business Analysis Body of Knowledge (BABOK) and hence is recommended training for business analysts who wish to sit the exam to become Certified Business Analysis Professionals (CBAP). By attending this course, you will earn 21 PDs (Professional Development hours) or 21 CDUs (Continuing Development Units). For further information on how to register for the CBAP examination please refer to certification at The IIBA endorsement is registered by the Atlantic Systems Guild.
“Course is delivered by The Atlantic Systems Guild, an IIBA Endorsed Education Provider, and IIBA trademarks are used under license and in accordance with IIBA’s Corporate Identity Standards and Trademark Policy."
The delegates will also receive a copy of the book "Mastering the Requirements Process" by Suzanne and James Robertson (Addison Wesley, 2004).
Main Topics
- Do I Need Requirements?
- The Requirements Process
- Project Blastoff
- Trawling for Requirements
- The Quality Gateway
- Prototyping and Scenario Models
- Writing the Requirements Specification
- Reusing Requirements
- Reviewing the Requirements Specification
- The Ongoing Requirements Process
And more...
- We give you 20 almost-free actions for improving your requirements process
- A complete requirements process model is included in the course materials
- You get a copy of the Requirements Specification Template. This complete template provides a foundation for writing your own specifications
- A survey of the tools currently available to assist requirements capture and recording
- References to books and resources on the latest information on requirements engineering