Recreating BI and DW:
new architecture and advanced technologies

by Barry Devlin
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Business is transforming, rapidly and dramatically. New ways of operating are enabled—indeed demanded—by the possibilities offered by modern technologies. Retailers and supply chains react in real-time to changes in the market, even to changes in the weather. Telcos predict the likelihood that certain customers may churn, based on their Tweets. Insurance premiums are calculated based on driving behaviour as reported by sensors in your car.
New technology is everywhere. Big Data and Bring Your Own Device (BYOD). Social Media and the Internet of Things. In-memory Databases and Hadoop. NoSQL and NewSQL. Commodity Servers and the Cloud. Business and Real-time Analytics. The rise of advanced technologies—these are but the main ones—over the past half-decade has utterly changed the landscape for Business Intelligence and Data Warehousing. We need a new vision, a new architecture to reap the very real Business benefits they promise.
The original Data Warehouse architecture of the 1980s separated “decision support” from day-to-day Business operations. However, today’s Business needs fully integrated processes, closely linking information and activities from all areas of the Enterprise. Decision-Making and Action-Taking are tightly bound. Business cycles are dramatically shorter and span company boundaries. A tightly-integrated biz-tech ecosystem is emerging.
IT today needs a new architecture that reintegrates all Decision-Making and Action-Taking into the overall processes of the Business. That incorporates all of the technological advances above, as well as the long-standing topics of spreadsheets, SOA, metadata, distributed access, Web technologies, content management and specialised databases and appliances. This new architecture must provide a comprehensive structure for the full Enterprise IT integration demanded by modern Businesses. Of course, it directly addresses current Data Warehousing issues, such as operational BI, executive decision-support, comprehensive information discovery and innovation, and Enterprise-wide decision management. And, although novel, the new approach must be an evolution from current Data Warehouse, operational and collaborative technologies to facilitate adoption.
The delegates will also receive a copy of the book "Business Intelligence: Insight and Innovation beyond Analytics and Big Data" by Barry Devlin
What you will learn
- Business drivers and technical rationale for a new architectural approach
- The possibilities and challenges of new database and data management technologies, including Hadoop, NoSQL, column stores and other analytic appliances
- Using Data Virtualization and ETL as tools for integration of all types of content and data
- Positioning and using Web, Enterprise 2.0 and collaboration in support of Decision-Making
- The importance of user context and roles in decision processes
- Structure and components of the new architecture
- Practical steps to grow and improve your current Data Warehouse to the new architecture
Main Topics
- The why and how of a new architecture
- The Information Resource—the Foundation for Everything
- The Business Processes—Getting from Decisions to Actions
- The People—Understanding Needs and Engaging Innovation
- Planning and Implementation