The new generation of database technology

by Rick van der Lans
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The world of database technology has been and is changing rapidly. Analytical databaseservers, NoSQL databaseservers, database appliances, graph databaseservers, Hadoop, and MapReduce, are the terms being talked about today. The database market is not restricted to classic SQL database servers anymore. Many new and revolutionary database technologies and products have become available for Data Warehousing and Business Intelligence.
Some of these technologies make it possible to run queries we always thought impossible; others can store and process incredible amounts of data; there are those that have been optimized for operational business intelligence; some try to minimize the costs of managing database servers; and again others have been designed to minimize the TCO and increase flexibility.
This seminar is intended for anyone who has to stay up to date on the new developments in the database World, including Data Warehouse designers, Business Intelligence experts, database specialists, database administrators, database experts, consultants, and technology planners.
Main Topics
• Analytical Database Servers
• NoSQL Database Servers
• Streaming Database Servers
• Summary and conclusions