User Interface Design for the Mobile Platform

by James Hobart
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The world is going mobile! As the mobile user experience evolves into a highly visual rather than audible experience developers will learn new techniques to create a seamless user interface between traditional phone interactions and the new visual interactions made possible on the latest smart phones and tablets. This class will explore new task interaction models and evaluate the latest findings with design Best Practices for smart phone and tablet based devices. The session will also cover how to successfully deploy existing applications on multiple mobile platforms (Mobile Web, Android, iPhone and Blackberry) within the Enterprise.
What you will learn
- Learn design Best Practices for creating highly usable mobile applications
- Understand how to design for different mobile device platforms and how to implement design standards for mobile devices
- Learn techniques on how to decide on deploying a mobile Web solution or a device specific solution
- Learn techniques for designing mobile interfaces on top of your Enterprise Applications
Main Topics
- Mobile Strategies
- Task Modeling and Navigation
- Interaction Modeling
- Mobile Layout Principle
- Forms and Validation
- Complex UI Design Patterns
- Usability testing your mobile application
- Deploying your application
- Creating Mobile Design Standards