Advanced Portfolio Management:
from Projects-Driven to Goals-Driven Investment in Change

by Chris Potts
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Organisations that excel at investing in change use a goals-driven portfolio.
This intensive and interactive workshop focuses on how to design and use a goals-driven portfolio, transform from a projects-driven investment culture, and multiply the value of your organisation’s Portfolio Management capabilities.
A goals-driven portfolio is essential for making agile investment decisions.
As rapidly as the market changes, and today’s projects vary in their probabilities of success, executives and portfolio managers can re-appraise the enterprise’s investment choices. They can decide what to keep the same in the portfolio and what to change – to achieve their goals at the speed they need to achieve them, and for the risks that they are prepared to take.
There are four generations of Change Portfolio.
The first generation is projects-driven and resources-constrained, focusing the organisation on its implementation goals, budgets, and other resource limits. Progressively, the focus of the portfolio becomes the enterprise’s investment goals, the probability of achieving them, and the total risks taken.
The value of Portfolio Management multiplies with each new generation of portfolio.
A portfolio is more than the sum of its individual projects: portfolio managers know and track the up-to-date investment goals, total risks and resources, and probabilities of the portfolio succeeding. They highlight and deal with gaps in the portfolio, where there are insufficient projects to achieve the goals, allocate provisions for future investment priorities, and ultimately lead the organisation’s strategy for investing in change.
What you will learn
- Benchmark the maturity of your Change Portfolio
- Design and use a goals-driven portfolio
- Recognise and transform a projects-driven investment culture
- Make agile and efficient investment choices
- Multiply the value of your Portfolio Management capabilities
Main Topics
- Achieving success at investing in change
- The Four Generations of Change Portfolio
- Diagnose your organisation’s Investment Culture
- Design a goals-driven portfolio
- Transform your projects-driven portfolio
- Make agile and efficient investments
- Track up-to-date portfolio performance
- Multiply the value of your Portfolio Management