DW 2.0:
Next generation of Data Warehousing

by Derek Strauss
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In the two decades that Data Warehousing has been around, there has been much change. Older technologies have matured, there is new technology, and organizations have accepted Business Intelligence as a standard part of the infrastructure. Today there are many different renditions of what a Data Warehouse is – an active Data Warehouse, a federated Data Warehouse, a star schema Data Warehouse and so forth. Unfortunately none of these types of a Data Warehouse are the same. There is no integrity in the definition of what a Data Warehouse is. In addition, 1st generation Data Warehouses have failed to take into account many important requirements that are now recognized as legitimate aspects of Data Warehousing. Now there is DW 2.0 which is the definition of Data Warehouse architecture for the future of Data Warehousing. This two day seminar describes what DW 2.0 is and addresses what Data Warehousing for the future will look like.
What you will learn
- Describe what the architecture for the future of Data Warehousing looks like
- Describe how Metadata fits into DW 2.0
- Describe the levels of data of DW 2.0 – interactive, integrated, near line, archival
- Describe how unstructured data can be gathered and integrated into a Data Warehouse
- Describe the flow of data from outside of DW 2.0, into DW 2.0 and out of DW 2.0
- Understand why Data Warehouses do not have to cost a huge amount of money, even when they contain a lot of data and have lots of users
- Understand the fundamental transformation of data that takes place as data passes through ETL processing
- Rexamine the role of new Data Warehouse technologies such as Talend, Dataupia, SeaTab, Kalido, and others
- Understand the migration path from existing 1st generation Data Warehouses to DW 2.0,
- Understand the issues of data base design in different parts of the DW 2.0 environment
- Understand the issues of building a Data Warehouse on a fluid foundation that can be changed as Business requirements change
Main Topics
- A brief word about the past
- DW 2.0 architecture
- Data Warehouse performance
- Data Marts
- Data Warehouse exploration facility
- Hamstring the development and maintenance efforts
- ETL and transformation processing
- The granularity manager
- Data Modeling throughout the DW 2.0 environment
- The Metadata infrastructure
- Integrating Unstructured data
- The unstructured data base
- Methodology throughout the DW 2.0 environment